17 November 2013

Ominous signs for Melbourne transport

Recent announcements by State and Federal governments have caused great concern for the future of the city. The newly elected Federal government has cancelled all planned federal investment in urban rail and tram. Their view is that urban rail is not a Federal matter but is for States to fund. At the same time, they have redirected the funds into freeway projects across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. In response to this injection of federal road funds the State government in Victoria has dramatically accelerated planning for a major new urban freeway tunnel at the expense of a previously more advanced urban rail subway project. They have earmarked significant State funds to the East-West road link and deferred and de-funded the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel despite the Federal government decision that urban rail is a State matter. Disturbing though this is, it's worse because of the way in which this policy change is being publicised by the State government who came to power in 2010 on a platform of improving public transport. East-West road link publicity claims this freeway will improve public transport! Seriously - they are trying to convince us that cancelling a major urban rail subway project and replacing it with a major freeway is good public transport policy. It really is stomach churning stuff. You can view one of their spin videos here. (Brace yourself) Linking Melbourne Authority Youtube Channel Almost as alarming as the negative impacts on the City and its culture of such a Detroitian dystopia is the utter contempt for voters underlying this publicity campaign. They must have a very low opinion of our intelligence to even try it. It could be written up as a case-study in Orwellian doublespeak. Along with so many residents of Melbourne, we will be watching developments with great anxiety. For more information East West Road Tunnel Project (accelerated and funded) Metro Rail Tunnel Project (delayed and de-funded) Follow the Yarra Campaign against Road Tunnel on Twitter: @yarra_campaign